Monday, November 30, 2009

Lead a Quality Process

Preconstruction Expectations

Why Lead a quality process that meet the needs of UDOT? The importance of your work must be examined in order to answer the question of why. UDOT needs both Region design and planning to ensure that the transportation system is safe, efficient and meets the needs of your State. As the Region's designers and planners you are considered the backbone of UDOT decision making. You make decisions everyday that have a profound effect on the people who depend on the highways for their livelihood and their health and welfare. The way you conduct your business could literally mean life or death to those who depend on you. During your everyday work you make decision that may save historic artifacts or determine how a roadway feature is designed to maximize safety. You are tasked to find the most effective way to spend the taxpayer's money that will provide a safe and efficient transportation system. You are the first line of defence when it comes to ensuring quality transportation in Northern Utah. Without your leadership and dedication the quality of life for everyone in Northern Utah is diminished greatly. So why Lead a quality process that meet the needs of UDOT? The answers are; to promote safety, economic development, communication, and a high quality of life. I have only named just a few reasons why your work is so important and there are many more.

Please lead the way!